Need a Tutor

Concerns may include: thinking you would do better in your courses if you had a tutor, wondering if a tutor is available for your course(s), questions about how often you can utilize a tutor, questions about other sources of academic support.
Orange Star

Primary Office

Teaching Center

The Teaching Center at the University of Florida empowers students to become successful, lifelong learners. Through a variety of services and instructional approaches, the Teaching Center seeks to help students master effective ways of learning for different disciplines.

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Teaching Center

The Teaching Center at the University of Florida empowers students to become successful, lifelong learners. Through a variety of services and instructional approaches, the Teaching Center seeks to help students master effective ways of learning for different disciplines.

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    Academic Advising

    The University of Florida is committed to quality academic advising for all students. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the academic advising services provided at UF and to utilize the vast number of resources on campus available to support the academic success of UF students. UF academic advisors provide academic guidance and support to all undergraduate students. Advisors can help you develop and evaluate your educational plans and provide you with accurate information about UF policies, procedures, resources, and programs. Advisors will work with you to help you determine your degree requirements, change majors, drop courses, choose classes, handle registration issues, and identify needed resources. Adivisng is approached in two different ways. First time in college admits will meet with a general advisor during their Preview Orientation session. After this initial advising process students will meet with an advisor in their college or school. Explore your specific advising process via the links below.

    Academic Advising

    The University of Florida is committed to quality academic advising for all students. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the academic advising services provided at UF and to utilize the vast number of resources on campus available to support the academic success of UF students. UF academic advisors provide academic guidance and support to all undergraduate students. Advisors can help you develop and evaluate your educational plans and provide you with accurate information about UF policies, procedures, resources, and programs. Advisors will work with you to help you determine your degree requirements, change majors, drop courses, choose classes, handle registration issues, and identify needed resources. Adivisng is approached in two different ways. First time in college admits will meet with a general advisor during their Preview Orientation session. After this initial advising process students will meet with an advisor in their college or school. Explore your specific advising process via the links below.