
Care in Action

Do you or someone you know need extra support? Let us know, and we can help connect you with the appropriate support services.


If you or someone you know needs assistance please reach out to the Campus Assistance & Resources for Empowerment (CARE).

Self Referral
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Speak with CARE during
Business Hours: call (352) 294-2273

Dimensions of Wellbeing

Emotional Wellness Icon


Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships. This part of wellness looks at feelings and thoughts and how you cope with and react to your emotions. It helps you cope with the ups and downs of life by working on building resiliency.

Environmental Wellness Icon


Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being. This dimension is about being aware of the natural and built environment.
It looks at who and what you are surrounded by, how the environment impacts you, and how your actions impact the environment.

Financial Wellness Icon


Satisfaction with current and future financial situations.
This dimension is about learning how to successfully manage expenses for both the short and long term and living within your means.

Intellectual Wellness Icon


Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills. This dimension involves having curiosity about the world around you and being a lifelong learner.

Occupational Wellness Icon


Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work. This dimension is also about being able to balance your responsibilities – academics, work, extracurricular, etc. while having time to do the things you enjoy.

Physical Wellness Icon


Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy food, and sleep. This dimension also involves seeking medical attention when needed and taking part in primary care/prevention screenings.



Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system. This dimension includes your relationships with friends and family as well as how you are connected to and involved in the community.

Spiritual Wellness Icon


Expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life. This dimension involves clarifying your values and beliefs. This area also deals with how you create meaning in your life and define your purpose.