Do I say anything?

Concerns may include: will I get in trouble, will someone else get in trouble, will others know who I am, what if I am wrong, who do I tell?
Orange Star

Primary Office

Office of Victim Services

Office of Victim Services provides a support person for anyone who may become a victim of crime while on the University of Florida campus. A victim advocate is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide support for victims of actual or threatened violence. All services are free and confidential.

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Office of Victim Services

Office of Victim Services provides a support person for anyone who may become a victim of crime while on the University of Florida campus. A victim advocate is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide support for victims of actual or threatened violence. All services are free and confidential.

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  • Related Office

    Care Area

    The Care Area is an area within the Dean of Students office that was created to care for every single individual that walks through this campus. The Care Area consists of many different resources, facilities. and success plans to allow every person to feel a part of this University of Florida community. The Care Area is run by amazing professionals that work to create a welcoming environment for all students and faculty.

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    Care Area

    The Care Area is an area within the Dean of Students office that was created to care for every single individual that walks through this campus. The Care Area consists of many different resources, facilities. and success plans to allow every person to feel a part of this University of Florida community. The Care Area is run by amazing professionals that work to create a welcoming environment for all students and faculty.

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  • Related Office

    Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution

    Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, as part of the Dean of Students Office, is dedicated to encouraging responsible community conduct, educating the UF and Gainesville community, and implementing disciplinary action in situations where violations of the Student Conduct Code have occurred. Additionally, there may be times that mediation in personal conflict may benefit from conflict resolution, SCCR offers opportunities for persons to come together to solve conflict in a facilitated conversation.

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    Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution

    Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, as part of the Dean of Students Office, is dedicated to encouraging responsible community conduct, educating the UF and Gainesville community, and implementing disciplinary action in situations where violations of the Student Conduct Code have occurred. Additionally, there may be times that mediation in personal conflict may benefit from conflict resolution, SCCR offers opportunities for persons to come together to solve conflict in a facilitated conversation.

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