Occupational Wellness
Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work. This dimension is also about being able to balance your responsibilities – academics, work, extracurricular, etc. while having time to do the things you enjoy.
UFHR Wellness Resources
Wellness Partners are representatives from departments across the University of Florida and UF Health who play a vital role in supporting employee wellness. Partners disseminate information, set up presentations and encourage participation in wellness initiatives. Partners also provide valuable feedback to help the UF & UF Health Wellness Committee build a culture of health.

UFHR Wellness
Website: https://wellness.hr.ufl.edu
Career Connections Center
C3 staff strive to educate and create connections for the University of Florida community in order to facilitate the holistic career development of students.

Services provided at this location include help with resume building, interview preparation, career planning and more.
Location: J.W. Reitz Union, 1st Floor
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: 352-392-1601
Website: career.ufl.edu/